I’m sure everyone out there has had to deal with decorating one giant blank wall. It takes a lot of creativity...or a large piece of furniture...to fill the void. Sometimes one large painting just doesn't do the trick. I had the same problem with the wall going up my staircase. I ended up covering my problem wall with 3 ginormous (this is really a word…added to the dictionary in 2007…I love how someone can decide to add new words to the dictionary anytime they feel the need) distressed picture frames and a quote board. The wall going up my staircase drove me crazy for a few years. Now it has that much needed pop of color. I’m working on some new frames to fill up a large wall in my playroom…stay tuned for that. (my lack of photography skills at this angle don’t do it justice, but you get the idea)
I think these would look great going up a staircase or on a large living room wall…if you like what you see you can order these or have them made in the colors/designs of your choice
I love the ideas in the photos below
the prints below are pretty fabulous!
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